When buying a car, you know better than to walk into a dealership unprepared! You need to be sure that your dream car is reliable, comfortable, drives well and that you are getting a great deal! As professional mobile mechanics in Sydney, we find that the following three things are important to consider when buying a car:
- Know the Market Value of the Car That You Are Buying
Factors such as whether the car has been regularly serviced, the kilometers that the car has travelled, the condition of the brakes, engine and other components, all play a part in determining the car’s value. As professional mobile mechanics in Western Sydney, we always update the logbooks when servicing and repairing vehicles. All mechanics do this – check the logbooks for the service and repair history.
- Do some research online and find out what the average price is for the car that you are buying. Carsales.com.au is a good place to start. This site also gives editor reviews on your chosen model.
- Do not spend more than you can afford on a vehicle and always focus on the end figure that you are paying – not the monthly amount.
- Organise your finance ahead of time. You will generally get a much better interest rate at a bank than through the finance company of a dealer.
- You will need to take into account any on-road costs and any possible necessary repairs when you are budgeting for your purchase.
- Take More Than One Test Drive
If you are happy with your initial test drive, take the whole family for a second test drive! Bring along any children’s car seats. This is a great way to check whether everyone fits in comfortably.